Thursday 5 August 2010

Monday 28th June 'It hurts!'

Gee whiz - it hurt! When I woke up on Monday morning I felt as though it was going to be impossible to walk. The skinned left foot really did hurt to the point where I couldn't put my foot to the floor and the prospect of putting on a sock or a walking boot seemed beyond me.
Yvonne took charge and with the help of Maureen - one of our hosts on Saturday and Sunday [featured under the tree above] - managed to get some dressings and was able to cushion the foot and put on my sock for me.
I desperately wanted to walk but really didn't see how I could. So many people had invested so much time in this venture that I had to try. I telephoned John Kilshaw - National President of RTBI and a specialist in these matters - and he advised treating the wound with surgical spirit. We'd have to get some - along with more dressings material as we drove to the start point for the days walk - the Griffin pub at Chipping Warden where we ended yesterday's walk.
Oh the ignominy of it all! Sitting outside the pub having my foot dressed as my walking companions looked on and took photographs. Even though it hurt like mad I had to have a go and after taking a couple of painkillers we were ready for the off. As I limped along I couldn't help think of Eddy Izzard and his great marathon adventure. I'd seen part of a documentary where he showed his blistered feet being treated. My own podiatrist had warned that once dressings were on a blistered foot - they should be left on as long as possible. Eddy Izzard became my inspiration: if he could do it - then I could do it!
After about 20 minutes I discovered that it's possible to walk through the pain barrier [or perhaps the pain killers were kicking in by then] but it wasn't too bad unless we stopped for a short break - as we did from time to time - and then it was like starting all over again...walking up to and through the pain barrier.
It was gloriously warm day. The footpaths were clearly defined - the company and the banter was good and the 4.2 miles guided by friends from Banbury 41 Club seemed to go in no time at all. I felt a great sense of achievement [ and relief] as we reached The Carpenters Arms at Lower Boddington which had been opened especially for us through the influence of Michael Banks one of our Banbury friends. Jugs of iced water and huge trays of sandwiches greeted us but some of the team who had now fulfilled their obligation of getting us to Lower Boddington, enjoyed a well earned pint [see Hazel above!!!].
Barry Durman, National Councillor joined us and it was good to see him. And it was also good to meet Graham Whiteley and his team from Daventry 41 Club who were taking over as our guides for the 5.26 miles afternoon walk to Priors Marston where we would end our day.
I couldn't have managed the morning walk without the support and encouragement of Hugh and the others who walked with me and it was certain that I was going to have to rely on the Daventry team to get me through the afternoon. 'We are better off when we are working together than we try to go it alone' is something that the young people who sail with the Ocean Youth Trust learn. I was experiencing it afresh through this walk.

Wednesday 4 August 2010

Our Blessing [Sunday 27th June]

At the end of our church service we received a Blessing for our journey. This is the Blessing that was used as we knelt before the altar -

'Malcolm, may the Lord bless you and the 41 Club in this great enterprise.
May he guide your steps, protect you from harm and give you the energy you will need to complete your journey.
May the Lord bless your companions on the walk and the people you will meet on the way and give you the joy and encouragement of true fellowship.
May the Lord bless all the funds raised by this project and then bless the work of the Ocean Youth Trust, especially in this their 50th Anniversary year - so that many young people may find new hope and confidence through the activities you make possible.
So Malcolm, may the Lord bless you and keep you.
May the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you.
May the Lord lift up the light of his countenance upon you and give you his peace -
today, as you start your walk, through the coming weeks till the end of your way and always.

Each and every one of us who knelt to receive this Blessing was strengthened by it and were grateful for it.

It was a fitting start to our journey together.