Tuesday 25 May 2010

The early days!

I'm way beyond my comfort zone here in more ways than one! At the moment I'm recovering from a foot injury and at the same time preparing to walk the 100 mile 41 Club Millennium Way at the end of June. Over the last few days I have walked from Holy Island to my home near Berwick on Tweed and on Sunday I walked from my home to Holy Island. The only way to prepare for a walk is to get some miles in! The weather has been glorious. I have the ruddy glow of a freshly boiled lobster and my feet are burning!

Why do a walk like this? I now find myself National President of the Association of Ex Round Tablers Clubs [41 Club]. It's a huge privilege to be here. My two predecessors were keen golfers and met lots of our members while they were out playing golf. I don't play golf but I have been a very keen walker over the years. To celebrate the Millennium, a keen a dedicated team of 41 club members created a walk across the Midlands. I thought it would be a good idea to get out there and walk it in order to - meet some of our members along the way - try and raise the profile of the walk - through press coverage, raise the profile of our Association as well as the profile of my chosen Presidential Charity - the Ocean Youth Trust and to raise some money for them.

A great guy called Chris Tayler, who initially thought of the Millennium Way, has been acting as 'walk manager' for me and has designed my walk programme which will last for 2 weeks during the period 27th June - 10th July. When I find out how to do it, I'll post my programme on this blog. Oh, by the way, I have never 'blogged' in my life - so this is why I say I'm well and truly outside of my comfort zone.

Since I haven't been able to walk since August last year I'm unfit - even though I have been 'working out' at the gym - another new experience. I am way overweight - at 19 + stones the heaviest I have ever been. My beloved Labrador 'Bracken' will not be with me when I do the walk but at least he is keeping me company on the training walks which are being done in trainers 'cos I can't find my comfortable boots.

That's enough for now. I see the physio again tomorrow morning. I have no idea yet if this lot is going to save or whatever it does - but let's have a go. By the way - my motto for this year is 'Reach Out' and I will inform all that I do by the newly revised and unanimously agreed objects of the Association that encourage us to be active! At 65 I'm trying to set an example and hope that some of our members will follow my example.

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