Thursday 17 June 2010

17th June 2010

Since getting back from Holyhead and Birmingham I have been trying hard to get some miles in. Each evening and on one occasion - early morning - I have been walking parts of the coastal path. The weather has been glorious - truly glorious.

On Wednesday 16th in particular, I drove down to Holy Island causeway and then walked north along the coast for about 2 miles before returning to the car. It was a memorable evening. Bracken my Black Lab enjoyed being out and about - the first time since he'd come out of kennels after a 2 + week stay. He swam, lingered over tempting scents, ran ahead of me then returned to walk by my side. As we walked among sheep in the dunes I put him on the lead just to make sure but he's usually very good among sheep and I was probably worrying too much.

On the way back we spotted a big group of rabbits: if there is one thing that sends Bracken wild -it's rabbits and he will chase after them for hours so I was pleased he was on the lead. As the rabbits scampered away at our passing we put up a fox who was not best pleased that we had spoiled his chance of an early supper. He ran away to our right to the wire fence then stopped to look at us in a most disdainful manner before scampering off to pastures new.

As we walked back along the creek toward the car Bracken swam for ages with an eye toward the four swans that are nesting by the waters edge. I called him back but he was enjoying himself too much but eventually climbed out and ran back to me shaking water off himself as he did so.

The tide had come in so we had to clamber up a bank to get round a headland before we were able to scramble back on to the level grassy path. Bracken waited for me and looked concerned as his clumsy overweight master slipped down the bank in a most ungainly fashion! Good job there was no one around to see me!

As we started on the last half mile back to the car - a pair of lapwings tried to distract us away from their nest. We wouldn't have bothered them and it was touching to see their antics as they tried to distract us.

I'd bought some new walking boots on Monday and they stood up well t the test. I'd had them on since I bought them and they are very comfortable and have taken no breaking in. I shall wear them for the walk and if it is mainly a 'flat day' I shall; wear the trainers.

I was hoping to get to the gym today but preparations for this weekend's National Council meeting have kept me at the desk apart from when I washed the limo. It wouldn't do for the Pres' to turn up at a Council weekend with a mucky car!

We have a very busy weekend ahead of us but I hope we have some fun as well. A formal dinner on Friday [when England are playing I'm told] then a trip down the Tyne on Saturday will serve as a useful antidote to our business meetings I hope. There might even be a chance of a leg stretch and a few miles along the rive Wear on Saturday afternoon.

Not long to go now!

1 comment:

  1. The MILLENNIUM WAY beckons - 100 miles of glorious walking. The weather looks inviting and new boots proving comfortable - you sound all set.

    Really enjoy your blog. I see a book somewhere in the future.

    Best foot forward

    Chris Tayler
    Solihull 41 Club
