Wednesday 23 June 2010

Polo Shirts are ready!

The only activity today has been in the O2 shop where I have purchased a pink dongle!

Yes there are such things and I now have one so it looks as though it's going to be possible to update the blog as I undertake the walk!

I have also purchased 4 OS maps of the area through which the walk passes: it's always good to set a walk in context - to know where one is in the greater scheme of things!

And at last - the team polo shirts are ready to be collected. Yvonne and friends from Party Tyne and Angels of the North have been modelling them since the Scarborough conference and they have been much admired. I shall have some for sale as I travel and we can always have more ordered and sent to us as we go!

Now where did I put my old map case?

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